Tuesday, October 19, 2010

island man assignment

Island Man (for a Caribbean island man in London who still wakes up the sound of the sea)
by Grace Nichols

and island man wakes up
to the sound of blue surf

in his head
the steady breaking and wombing
wild seabirds
and fishermen pushing out to sea
the sun surfacing defiantly
from the east
of his small emerald island

He always comes back
groggily groggily
comes back to sands
of a grey metallic soar
to a surge of wheels
to dull North Circular roar
muffling muffling
his crumpled pillow waves
island man heaves himself
another London day

what are the ten most important words.(in your opinion)

 where would you like to wake up?
I would like to wake up inside of Miami because of the amazing buildings inside of the country.I would also like to wake up in Miami because when you wake up you would never be cold because there really isn't a cold season in Miami.Also if I was maybe 16 or 17 I would love to wake up there cause I would apply for a basketball college in Orlando.Also i would love to just when i wake up in Miami feel the heat of Miami flow through me and comfort me!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Welcome fellow bloggers. I am Noah. I am in the 8th grade and I love it. I play lots of basketball almost 24/7 a day except for school. I play on a competitive team in my community.I also love watching all kinds of sports including baseball basketball soccer and hockey. I also love track and Field I try out every year and always make it. One day I hope to play in the NBA as a centre.